PFC - Provisions Food Co.
PFC stands for Provisions Food Co.
Here you will find, what does PFC stand for in Food under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Provisions Food Co.? Provisions Food Co. can be abbreviated as PFC What does PFC stand for? PFC stands for Provisions Food Co.. What does Provisions Food Co. mean?The based company is located in engaged in food production industry.
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Alternative definitions of PFC
- Per- FluoroCarbon
- Power Factor Control
- Power Factor Corrected
- Power Factor Correction
- Power Factor Correction
- Private First Class
- Perfluorocarbon
- Passenger Facility Charge
View 164 other definitions of PFC on the main acronym page
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- PMW Prime Mover Workwear
- PRR Prudential Robertson Realty
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